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Care N Grow



A pilot project of childhood development monitoring platform in rural schools of India for analyzing health and behavioral changes in young students.


Anganwadi centers are government-run healthcare centers in rural areas of India that provide a range of services for children, including nutrition, healthcare, and education. Traditionally, they have relied on paper records to track the wellness of children. Paper records are inefficient, prone to errors, and difficult to access in a timely manner. This e-monitoring app attempts to digitally streamline screening design and execution so that Anganwadi teachers can monitor each student without the need for paper.

My Role

UX Designer


• Invision
• UXPin
• Figjam


• UI designing
• Information Architecture
• Wireframing
• Prototyping
• Analyzing user feedback
• Coordinating with project managers and engineers.


3 Months

Goals and Solution

Care N Grow is on a mission to unleash kids development, care and education at scale by supporting, nurturing and nudging towards learning experiences at home and at school by digitizing the whole process of monitoring. This app is made for 2 different audience ; Anganwadi teachers & students’ parents.

Design Process

01 User Research

We created questionnaires to gather information on Anganwadi teachers' current workflow, their current level of comfort and proficiency with technology, and their expectations for a digital system.


Interviewed 26 Anganwadi teachers from 12 centers in rural regions of Andhra Pradesh to understand their pain points and discuss possible solutions

02 User Personas

Group 294.png
Group 293.png

03 Research Findings


of Anganwadi teachers have limited technology experience and might require intensive training to become proficient in using this app. 


of them have concerns about how the transition to a digital system will affect their current workflow and responsibilities.


of them felt transitioning to app might save time and effort of keeping track of paper



The app was designed to be user-friendly, with a simple interface and easily navigable menu. It allows Anganwadi teachers to input data on a child's health, including growth monitoring, vaccination records, and illness symptoms. It also provides alerts for follow-up visits and vaccinations that are due. The app was also translated into local languages for better accessibility for non-English speaking teachers.


App  has 2 dashboards i) Anganwadi Teacher & ii) Parents

01 ANG Teacher App

• A cloud based platform is built assists in screening and intervention, as well as behavioral changes in children aged 4 to 14 years.
• Anganwadi workers can monitor and track a child's health and academic progress using tablets, which makes their job easier as they don't have to keep piles of paper records for each student.
• The tests are performed on-site by health coordinators, and the platform analyses the data to generate a health report card.

02 Parents' App

This allows families to keep track of their children's unique health report cards, which can only be read by that student's parents. The App allows parents to see any illnesses that may require treatment, as well as advice for short and long-term interventions, and also targets and goals that influence long-term behavioral improvement.

03 Prototype

We built a MVP of the app to do A/B testing with users and also to educate them on how to use the app.

User Testing and Feedback

The app was tested in several rural Anganwadi centers in India before its official launch. During the testing phase, Anganwadi teachers were trained on how to use the app, provided with feedback on its functionality and usability, and given support for any technical issues. Since its a pilot project, I shall update the outcomes once its live.


The app was received by Anganwadi teachers as it allowed them to easily record and track the health of the children and provided reminders for follow-up visits and vaccinations. The app also made it easier for Anganwadi teachers to share information with hospitals, improving continuity of care for the children. The app helped them to identify children who were at risk for malnutrition and other health issues and get them the proper care they needed.

My Learnings

This was my first project for non-tech users who had rarely used a mobile phone prior. More than the project itself, I feel it is the goal to help optimize the life of workers in rural regions, and building an entire project as a solution has taught me to be even more empathetic not just as a desiger but also as a human & a creator

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