I'm a BFA graduate, passionate about helping brands communicate their stories through design!
I'm a BFA graduate, passionate about helping brands communicate their stories through design!

UX Portfolio
UX Articles
Public Health Agency of Canada

My Role
UX Researcher
UX Designer
• Figma
• Balsamiq
• Figjam
• User Research
• User Interviews
• Usability Testing
• Data Analysis
• Prototyping
• UI Designing
• Coordinating with Client
• Team Management
8 Months
Public Health Agency of Canada
Alex, Noha, Jay, Myself
Problem Space
Communicating time sensitive measures to different communities and user groups.
Problem Statement
How can public health agencies communicate timely
measures of Type-2 Diabetes prevention?
Design Process
01 User Research
Focus on 35-45 age group
They are in an opportunistic time in their lives to make behavioural changes for healthier lifestyle habits.
Through the survey that we conducted, we investigated :

02 User Personas
03 Research Approach
To measure potential engagement using health promotion and risk assessment tools, such as the CanRisk assessment for Type-2 diabetes, we conducted a quantitative survey followed by qualitative user interviews with users
Articles literature review as part of secondary research
Valid survey responses
User and SME interviews
Thematic coding and
Descriptive analysis
04 Research Findings
Users had a desire for healthy lifestyle advice, beyond the doctors office
A need for health education; reading nutrition labels, understanding physical activity
Expecting existing health resources to be more visible and easily discoverable

How do users learn unfamiliar terminologies?
Google is the top choice, however, consulting with healthcare professionals came in a close second, indicating the desire of seeking expert advice and guidance.
How often do users review nutrition labels?
Participants expressed frustrations about lack of resources, support for nutrition education and also the difficulty of identifying hidden ingredients in processed foods.

Topics discussed by users with healthcare provider
Type-2 Diabetes is the most commonly discussed topic with healthcare provider, indicating the public's need for information on this matter.
Insights #1 - Individuals usually attempt seeking their own clarifications on health information
Online information is not conclusive and sort of contradicts itself and information on google is very scary and stressful.
Insights #3 - Consistent, longstanding primary care relationships are viewed as a privilege
I guess haven't really had a family doctor since living with a parent, so I've had to rely on walk-in clinics.
Insights #2 - Healthcare experiences influence nutrition and exercise tracking formalities
If doctors themselves would bring up health related topics rather than the patient asking.
Insights #4 - Family doctors are viewed as a convenience and a hindrance to desired care
I'll tell my doctor… things I want him to look into.
05 Data Analysis
Using Affinity mapping, we transformed raw data to valuable information and made an empathy map

How Might We....?
Bridge the gap between government resources and the public by improving visibility and discoverability?
06 Experience Principles
Grounded in the user’s emotional state and comprise the key ingredients of the experience with the product or service
Clarifies to provide more comprehensive information
Provides proactive and personalized touchpoints for unique user needs
​Approachable, accessible and reputable, trusted resources
07 Early Prototypes
The early prototype was tested with 5 participants and 4 SMEs.
The intent was to uncover primary interest levels and how to entice further interaction.

08 Validation

09 Solution - Trusted Communication Campaign
An interactive Type-2 Diabetes CanRisk assessment, including educational resources and clinicians nearby, which makes already available resources more discoverable to the users.

1. Pharmacy Sweet Spot- Assessment Tool on Tablet
An interactive spot inviting users to assess Type-2 Diabetes risk using CanRisk assessment
Link to prototype - http://surl.li/gitxs
2. Email & Social Media – Awareness Campaign

3. Workplace Kit
Targeted towards employers to improve health communication for employees.
Includes same content as email for employees to access CanRisk, support resources and locations of kiosks.
For managers, inclusion of advice for supporting employees and informative posters for breakrooms.